Change Mouse Cursor Generator By Muhammad Nauman
How to change mouse cursor in blogger blog to animated cursors.One of
the best way to add extra fun to your blog is, changing mouse cursor on
your blog. Changing the mouse cursor in blogger or blogspot blogs is
very easy.This tutorial will help you to change the mouse cursor of your
blog to animated cursors.Many bloggers are asking such kind of
questions but there is no tutorial available on the internet.I created
this post because there are a blogger friend who asked how to change the
pointer / cursor on the blogger. This you can do to decorate the look
of blog.I take the cursor image from and you can change it anytime depends on your festive moods.
How To Add Mouse Cursor Widget To Blogger?
- Choose a type of Mouse Cursor below
- Click on "Genetate" button
- Finally click on "Add to Blogger" to add it to your blog.
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