As we
all know that Meta Tags are very important for every single website in
blogger and not also fr blogger it's also very important in every kind
of website, blog, software and every kind of software and other things
need search description, and We could say that search description is an
another name of Meta tags for websites, blogs etc. But if meta tags
could be added for every individual post in blogger without any code
then it can be very helpful very a kind of big achievement for bloggers,
be'coz then our SEO will be more powerful in search engines. As we
wrote a last post about on this topic that how to add meta tags for each
post and that also working trick of it but there is one drawback of
that trick is that we had to add every meta tag code for every single
post and also had to save in blogger template, so this i very time
consuming trick and this also increase the loading time of template. So,
today we have a new and very simple trick for this task and you don't
need to add code and also not have to save your template every time.
Let's Start
- Login to Blogger
- Go to Dashboard
- Create a new post
- After written by your whole article
- Open SEARCH DESCRIPTION (on the right side of post editor)
- Enter your SEARCH DESCRIPTION in that box (like in image below)
- And, finally publish your article.
This a best and perfect way of adding meta tags for every post in blogger.