Step 1 : Now let's start adding it...
Step 2: Login to Your Blogger Account.Go to your Blogger Dashboard>Template> Edit HTML> Proceed.
Step 3: Find [by pressing Ctrl + F ] this code in the template:
Step 4: Paste below code before </head>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<script src='//'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
container : '.blog-posts',
item: '.post-outer',
pagination: '#blog-pager',
next: '#blog-pager-older-link a',
loader: ''
Step 5: You have Done. Finally Save Your Template.
More Post widget simply made by using the jQuery and this can install
very easily but adding the some simple codes, but as we said this widget
made by jQuery you it can affect your template some where like
javascript could be affect by this jQuery codes but don't worry it will
not affect your other important plugins. So go and add this.